My YouTube Experience

We've all been there. It's 1am, there's chemistry homework due the next morning, our parents are fast asleep in the adjacent room, and we're watching YouTube videos. We know we're procrastinating, but we can't help it. Something about the accessible, relatable, and bingeable content sucks us in and won't let go. The website has a reputation for time warping, as you can wake up, watch "a couple" videos, and then it's magically dark outside. Parents (at least mine) are known for saying that the computer screen sucks us in, but in youtube videos I feel like this is actually true.

Good content creators have a knack for creating thought provoking, comedic, cool, or any other type of video that catch our attention. After a while of watching addicting videos and spending an unhealthy amount of time on the platform, I began to get interested in how YouTubers became successful. I wanted to make my own channel, develop a viewer base, and benefit off of the fruits of my labor (monetization). And thus my first YouTube channel was born.

Needless to say, it was awful. My viewer base consisted solely of my friends, and I'd say about a third of my meager subscribers were Will Hechler's fake side channels. The videos I created were so atrocious that I'm sure anyone who was even able to uncover one on the tenth page of results was likely to leave a dislike and a scathing comment. To be fair though, we all have humble beginnings, and at the time all I had to work with was Windows Movie Maker and a 4:3 monitor.

Soon enough, I was disheartened by the lack of viewership on my "amazing" channel. I felt my hard work deserved more attention, and that's when my sister exposed me to view bots. It was fun to see my views rack up so quickly, and I readily embraced the program (stupid, I know). That channel was soon banned from monetization (making money off of ads in a video) because of my view botting, and so I created a new one.

What came to follow I now identify as the Dark Ages of my YouTube experience, as I created new channels that would soon follow suit with restricted monetization privileges due to my prior behavior. Even though I reformed from view botting, every channel associated with my IP address was blacklisted from Google Adsense. At one point I even created a cooperative YouTube channel with Martin Dalling which thankfully also suffered the same fate.

Finally, I was able to discover another YouTube partnership network where I could make money from ads, and continue making videos in peace. My current channel is now semi-successful, and my viewer base is growing rapidly. If you want to hear more about my YouTube experience, whether it be funny stories, or serious tips, leave a comment down below and smash that like button!


  1. Do you do minecraft lets plays? :^) Also, I remember when everyone was on their YouTube channel binge... I never joined in on that solely because my computer couldn't handle minecraft and I didn't know what to use to record. Now I'm kinda getting into computer "arts": drawing, making videos, and I WANT to try and make music (not sure how though). If you ever want to collaborate with me and make some quality content, let me know. :D

  2. "and I'd say about a third of my meager subscribers were Will Hechler's fake side channels"

  3. Nice! I'm glad your YouTube career is going well. A successful YouTube channel is a lot of work. Maybe Will Hechler can create a few more accounts to help you out.

  4. Thanks for letting us in on your secret life! This is interesting and funny (like Tri, I loved "about a third of my meager subscribers were Will Hechler's fake side channels"), and I appreciate the way you share your youthful indiscretions in order to give us a cautionary tale. Reputation really does matter :) It would be fun to have a couple of your early efforts embedded here, but I also realize that might be sharing too much...


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